6am Tuesday morning. Slept through my morning workout....fabulous! I've been really on target with my 5am workouts but something about Monday and Tuesday that really weigh down on me. I have to be at work earlier these days so it's harder to motivate myself out of bed for an hour workout only to run through the shower, slap some makeup on my face and sprint out the door with a wet head, spilling coffee on myself as I lock my door. Life happens, and it goes on as we live it....or something like that....that makes sense.
But what really got me through the day is knowing that at 3pm I would be on my way to go pick up my new tri bike....that I still didn't have a name for. There was less pressure in buying the bike than trying to come up with a name for it. Backwards logic, I know. When I got into the store I came across my friendly sales associate that worked so hard to make my sale, ha! We chatted casually about racing and swapped stories about drunken escapades before talking about clip ins. So I needed new clip ins for this bike, hoping to keep the same type as my road bike. What I wanted and what I got were two different things. The clip ins that fit my shoe would have costed $250ish bucks. Woah! So instead I looked at these more circular clip ins, which actually are better than what I had: you could clip in on either side, so there's no fumbling around, and they were green to match my bike. How do you pass that up?! On the bike they went. By the end of it all I felt right at home on my bike and am itching to try it out. Go figure, the lake path is closed because of high winds.....I joked with the sales associates that I might go try it out anyways, even if the waves ate me up...."I will be an ironman!"
Driving home I stole more than a few glances back at my bike. I felt like I was taking a baby home but didn't know what to call it.....whatever that feels like. I needed to come up with something to make it mine. I really like the green accents on it, so the green lantern came to mind. As much as I love super heros, and yea they are pretty bad ass, my bike felt more feminine to me and needed a real name, not an alias. What is green? Grass....ivy....green ivy....envy. I've always liked the saying, "Green with envy". That's how I came up with GWEN: "Green With ENvy" And just like that it stuck.
I'm looking forward to all of the many hours GWEN and I will be spending together, me riding her for hours on end....where did your mind go? This is all in preparation for IMOO 2013 :P
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