Finally I had made it to the loop! Or the lollipop as that was termed. I knew this route, I had ridden this route, three times in fact, so I could definitely do this now! I pushed through those first 25 miles like nobody's business! But the best part were all of the people out on the course, dress up or dressed down (with barely anything on!) cheering us on. It made use laugh and forget for a bit, how much longer we would be on that bike. When I finally got to the first "sister" I took her head on! There were people dressed up as devils running up the hill with us, holding up pitch forks. I'm still not sure if this was a form of intimidation or a motivation factor, either way I loved it! I saw a friend here too, so that gave me a boost. The second sister comes quickly after the first and that one is my LEAST favorite because it's not a slow incline it's like, Ok you're climbing now and you're climbing high! There were even more people on this hill than all three of them. They had drums and music makers and were they loud! It made the fact that I was barely moving, feel better. But the best was the third sister. This is were all the Element people were located and I saw my coach's Hubby, Jeff. I flew through this hill though so the first time around I didn't really say much. Just yelled and smiled :) Getting back into Verona I saw the lead rider, he was heading back into Madison and killing it! One more time, I could do this! I had plenty of time and I just ate those hills for lunch. The question was, could I go back for seconds?

I started to slow a bit more on this loop. Special Needs was around mile 70 and I stopped....well I stopped only after I biked past my number. I didn't have much in my bag but I was definitely looking forward to the goldfish and chips ahoy bags I stuck in there. Nutrition wise, I went with bonk breakers. I tried guus for a bit but they actually upset my stomach after a while and I liked the concept of more "real" food than anything else. I was also keeping my water and Ironman perform filled. But the moment I got to eat real food, I was a happy biker! I threw one bag in each compartment of my jersey and just grabbed from them for the next hour. Coming out of the special needs area, one guy came up behind me and goes, "Goldfish and Chips Ahoy, man you know how to party, wanna order a pizza and see if they'll deliver it to us?" Hahaha I laughed so hard that I could have peed myself. But I didn't. In fact the first time I actually stopped to use the porta-john wasn't until mile 80. I tried so hard to just pee on the bike (which sounds both gross and weird but really I didn't want to have to get off my bike for anything!) It became harder to peddle up that first hill at mount Horob (I don't remember the correct spelling for it) but that was my first stop. Someone helped me by grabbing my bike as I got off and wracked it for me. It's a good thing because I probably would have fallen no so gracefully if they hadn't. Even though I was on top of my nutrition and hydration, I was starting to struggle, no I was probably driving the struggle bus at that point and my mental state was not so stable. My mind started to play tricks with me, telling me there was no way I would make it through those three hills and even if I did, how in the HELL will you run a marathon afterward?

I had hit my dark place. But I peddled through. You have to. You've come this far there's no way you're quitting now, NO WAY! I made it to the first hill and there was a guy who literally ran all the way up it with me. Granted I wasn't moving very quickly but he was encouraging me, making comments about my posture and how I needed to sit up more and it would engage my core more. Looking back on it now I am grateful. In the moment I wanted to SMACK THE SHIT out of this man! I was grumpy, I was 85 miles into my ride that felt like it would never end and you have the audacity to tell me about posture?! But before I could think any more on it I was at the top of the hill and he was gone. Something about that whole moment was empowering......and then I was at the second hill. I had barely gained any speed on my way down but I saw a guy that was joking around with me on the first time around about how fast I was going, so I called out to him, "Hey I'll race you!" What the hell was I thinking?! This man would definitely beat me up this hill but I took on the challenge and I grinded up that hill like there was no tomorrow. I would regret this for the next few miles but it got me through it, whatever it takes to get it done!
The next few miles hurt but I caught a second wind before I hit the third hill. The last hard hill, you got this! I started to weave up it and as I hit half way I saw my Element folk. I gave them a thumbs up and they laughed at me. Jeff caught up with me and jogged for a minute or two checking in. I told him the last few miles were hard but I felt better now. He told me that he and Steph were SO PROUD! He would see me for the run. I still had a bit to go, finishing up the loop and then the stick. On the way in, the stick went by faster than I could blink. On the way in, it was the WORST ride I can remember being on. 16 miles felt like the entire race. It was a little gloomy and windy and not many people were around me, I was starting to freak out. Not to mention I wasn't paying attention to my gear shifting and dropped my chain! Stupid stupid Sam! But just as I got off to fix it the Trek van was behind me, one of the guys got out and fixed it for me. I was grateful but then I was thinking, "Why are they behind me? Am I the last person out here? Is this going to be the pacer van? 100 miles will do that to you. In reality I still had plenty of time but I freaked out and peddled faster. I just needed to get to transition! Just NEEDED to finish this bike ride!